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Better coverage starts with real information.

We’ve got the scoop on consumer data.

Here’s an exclusive: PR isn’t what it used to be.
Let us help you make the most of your pitch and press efforts with credible data to support your recommendations and grab the attention of journalists.

Trusted by PR professionals

Stand out from the noise.

We never have trouble getting lightning fast, accurate insights to validate your pitch or develop your campaign.

With mobile-optimized surveys reaching over 640M+ real mobile consumers through apps already installed on their devices, we quickly gather original responses from your target demographics.

Smiling woman wearing sunglasses and making a peace sign

Less talk,
more data

See how communications agency Lippe Taylor uses Pollfish across their teams to redefine the value of insight-driven PR.

Watch video
Jessa Barnes talking about Pollfish

Let's find your solution.

Two paper planes flying

You are

  • In-House PR Teams
  • Account Managers
  • Content Strategists
  • Digital Strategists
  • MarComm Managers
  • Research Analysts
  • Social Strategists

Custom content.

Closeup of feet wearing mismatching socks

Instead of using syndicated data, survey your target audience to get unique perspectives and design original stories to satisfy them.

Opinion Polling

Go straight to the source to gain custom insights on a topic or trend to create a unique story or pitch angle.

Concept Testing

Quickly validate story ideas with specific audiences in advance of pitching them to journalists.

Feature Stories

Pollfish data moves fast, letting PR pros get the earliest intel on breaking news and original angles that beat the news cycle.

Craft original angles

Real Insights

How modern companies create better content using market research

See how research powerhouses Jessica Tarlov and Dani Thibodeau of Bustle Digital Group leveraged Pollfish insights to identify and prioritize topical content for millennial women.

Watch the webinar
Woman with glasses looking at her smartphone intensely

Close new business opportunities.

A pair of golden binoculars

Win the pitch against other PR account teams when you bring real data to the table.

Audience Profiling

Pollfish automatically profiles every user on our platform (on our dime), so you can focus on asking the the right people the right questions and getting insights that close deals.

Consumer Behavior

Consumers say one thing, but do another. Leverage Pollfish data against trend analysis to get the full picture.

Brand Health

Understand how your clients perform on brand awareness and opportunities to improve with real consumer insights.

Get complete audience data

Build relationships based on results.

Group of friends sitting on a bench and laughing

A portfolio of press placements gives you credibility, measurable impact builds your clients’ trust.

Pre/ Post Studies

Measure effectiveness of campaigns by conducting pre- and post- studies across geographic regions and demographics to gauge change in perceptions or awareness.

Advanced reporting

Pollfish generates clear analytics and instant reports that are easy for analysts or account planners to use.

Let's get real

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