Monetizing upon the illusion of being part of something
It is widely accepted, that a very interesting need that thrives among people, is the need of being part of something, even if that thing is not tangible, nor something that users can actually benefit from somehow. Being able to apply such a concept around an app’s design, can leverage several monetization opportunities in the long run.
Build up a story
A good story built around an app, can bring excitement and engagement to the users. This story could be anything like solving an unsolvable problem, rescuing a princess, killing the bad guy, or even just creating a better content in a news or quiz app. Users that engage in such a story, can become loyal and addicted, and this can be a good opportunity for publishers in order to apply techniques discussed in previous articles. A good narration script describing a story during the on-boarding experience can be an example of this strategy. Users trying to follow that story, can be confronted later on with several scarcity monetization moments.
Align users with a bigger cause or vision
People tend to believe in a bigger cause or vision…or at least can easily get aligned with one. We could initiate this discussion from religion but we do not have to go that deep. In the past, several techniques were used by publishers either on the web or mobile, in order to increase revenues by promoting contribution in common good or a general good cause. Creating a concept around an app that convinces users that usage of the app or its features, contributes towards a certain vision, even if there is no direct benefit for them, leverages several opportunities for the publishers.
Enable a community
Enabling social characteristics in an app is something we have already discussed in previous posts. Humans, as social beings, constantly look to socialize with other people and be part of a community. Therefore, an interesting option that could be enabled by app publishers, is providing their app’s users with the option to interact or contribute. This contribution feature, is something known in the internet culture as the 1% rule. In such a community, a part of users will contribute, others will monitor, some of them will explore and others will comment or give feedback. The establishment of such a community within an app, empowers engagement and can easily be used to drive revenue with several techniques.
To sum up, surrounding an app’s usage with a story or vision, or enabling community involvement, can be a good strategy for publishers that will help them later on when trying to apply monetization techniques. If app publishers are able to communicate any of these concepts effectively through their marketing efforts and especially during the on-boarding experience of the app, they can boost retention and commitment, as users will be trying to fulfil that story or vision and stay part of that higher meaning that surrounds the app. In such a strategy, monetization opportunities flourish as users are struggling to stay on track.
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