Let’s talk about tablets!
What do smartphone users think about tablets? What would they buy if they could afford it and what type of device do they currently own? What kind of tablets do women prefer and what is men’s choice? Does size matter? What screen size is the more preferable on tablets?
Find the answers to all these questions at Pollfish latest survey findings (between 8th-13th of April 2013), among 587 randomly selected smartphone users. Let’s talk about tablets!
Key Results
55.8% of non tablet owners consider buying a tablet in the near future! From those who don’t, 32.7% think tablets are expensive while 56.4% of them think tablets are useless!! 10-11 inch screen sizes are the most preferable screen sizes for tablets (52.3%).
Purchase Intent key insights:
- 6 out of 10 of females want to buy an iPad tablet while 6 out of 10 of males want to buy an Android tablet!
- 23% of Android tablet owners want an iPad while 21.7% of iPad owners want an Android
- Android takes the first position (28.6%) in purchase intent while iPad comes second (13.4%) even when the question was what would you buy if money was not an issue: Android (46.3%) Vs iPad (34.6%).
- 6 out of 10 of Kindle owners would prefer to buy an iPad if money was not the issue while only 6% of them would buy an Android!
- only 2 out of 10 smartphone users would buy an Android tablet if they could afford an iPad!
Deeper Insights
Now let’s have a closer look at let’s talk about tablets survey findings.
1. Are you planning to buy a tablet? If yes what type?
- 44.2% No
- 28.6% Android
- 13.4% iPad
- 4.3% Windows
- 7.4% Kindle
- 2.2% Other
2. Are you planning to buy a tablet? If yes what type? (Male)
- 42.2% No
- 35.4% Android
- 12.2% iPad
- 3.4% Windows
- 5.4% Kindle
- 1.4% Other
3. Are you planning to buy a tablet? If yes what type? (Female)
- 47.9% No
- 17.8% Android
- 15.1% iPad
- 4.1% Windows
- 11.0% Kindle
- 4.1% Other
4. Why not buy a tablet? (if not in 1)
- 32.7% Expensive
- 56.4 I am covered with my pc/phone
- 10.9% Other
5. What is the main use of your tablet?
- 15.2% Laptop Replacement
- 11.0% Movies
- 10.6% Music
- 23.3% Browsing
- 15.9% Gaming
- 6.5% Productivity
- 10.1% Books
- 7.4% Other
6. What screen size do you prefere on a tablet?
- 37.4% 7-8 inch
- 52.3% 10-11 inch
- 10.3% Other
7. If money was not an issue what kind of tablet would you choose?
- 46.3% Android
- 34.6% iPad
- 8.8% Windows
- 7.5% Kindle
- 2.7% Other
8. If money was not an issue what kind of tablet would you choose? (iPad owners)
- 21.7% Android
- 65.2% iPad
- 6.5% Windows
- 2.2% Kindle
- 4.3% Other
9. If money was not an issue what kind of tablet would you choose? (Android owners)
- 64.1% Android
- 23.0% iPad
- 9.6% Windows
- 2.4% Kindle
- 1.0% Other
10. If money was not an issue what kind of tablet would you choose? (Windows owners)
- 20.0% Android
- 40.0% iPad
- 40.4% Windows
- 0.0% Kindle
- 0.0% Other
11. If money was not an issue what kind of tablet would you choose? (Kindle owners)
- 6.0% Android
- 59.3% iPad
- 6.7% Windows
- 28.0% Kindle
- 0.0% Other
12. If money was not an issue what kind of tablet would you choose? (Male)
- 57.1% Android
- 28.3% iPad
- 7.9% Windows
- 4.9% Kindle
- 1.8% Other
13. If money was not an issue what kind of tablet would you choose? (Female)
- 26.0% Android
- 47.3% iPad
- 11.2% Windows
- 12.4% Kindle
- 3.0% Other
14. Why do you prefer this tablet? (Android)
- 15.1% More tablet oriented apps
- 10.6% Better tablet oriented apps
- 13.2% Better screen
- 9.4% Better responsiveness
- 12.7% Battery Life
- 10.1% Connectivity
- 19.6% Compatibility with services I use
- 9.2% Other
15. Why do you prefer this tablet? (iPad)
- 12.3% More tablet oriented apps
- 15.8% Better tablet oriented apps
- 15.1% Better screen
- 10.6% Better responsiveness
- 12.0% Battery Life
- 8.9% Connectivity
- 12.3% Compatibility with services I use
- 13.0% Other
16. Are you planning to buy a phablet (>5inch screen phone)
- 40.0% Yes
- 60.0% No
17. Why do you consider a phablet?
- 36.7% To replace my phone+tablet
- 53.8% Just to use it like my smartphone
- 9.5% Other
18. What is your age?
- 8.6% <16
- 32.1% 16-25
- 27.9% 26-35
- 19.0% 36-45
- 8.2% 46-55
- 4.2% >55
19. What is your gender
- 66.2% Male
- 33.8% Female
*Some of the results and conclusions displayed at the infographic above are a combination of different questions and answers as listed here.
Survey Audience
Let’s talk about tablets survey had no specific targeting options. Smartphone users on a global scale were targeted in order to gather useful informations regarding tablets, their usage and purchase intent!
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